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Navigating change with compassion: 5 ways to deliver outplacement support with empathy


In times of organisational change, particularly during restructuring, the support provided to exiting employees can significantly impact their transition. Outplacement support, when centred on empathy and human connection, can alleviate the challenges of job loss and facilitate a smoother career transition. Here are five tips to provide human-centred outplacement support:

1. Personalised career coaching

Every person’s transition journey is unique. Offering personalised career coaching can empower individuals to explore their skills, strengths, and career aspirations in a safe and objective environment. These sessions should focus not only on finding a new job but also on personal growth and aligning career goals with individual values and aspirations.

2. Skill development and training

Equip departing employees with the tools they need for their next career move. Provide access to skills development opportunities, training programmes, or online courses tailored to enhance their employability. This investment in their growth not only aids in securing new employment but also boosts confidence during the job search process.

3. Empower people to own their journey

People respond to change in different ways, and it’s important to provide them with the flexibility to engage with outplacement support at a time and place that works for them, and the ability to manage their own journey – choosing the options that best suit their future plans. Remember, not everyone wants to find another job – so take into account those who may be returning to education, retiring or taking a different path.

4. Networking and connections

Around 50% of jobs aren’t advertised – so helping people access the ‘hidden job market’ is key. Introduce exiting employees to industry networks, alumni groups, or mentorship programmes that can provide valuable connections and support in their job search. Meanwhile, facilitating connections between impacted employees fosters a sense of belonging and encourages collaboration among individuals in similar situations.

5. Ongoing support

Outplacement support shouldn’t end as soon as the individual leaves their role. An effective programme maintains communication and offers ongoing support even after employees have transitioned out of the organisation. Resources, follow-up career coaching sessions or support with starting their new role can reinforce their confidence and provide guidance throughout their journey.

Human-centred outplacement takes a whole person approach, looking at the individual beyond their professional capacity. By offering personalised guidance, fostering skill development, prioritising emotional wellbeing, facilitating networking, and providing ongoing support, organisations can demonstrate genuine care and support in times of transition, ensuring departing employees feel empowered and valued as they take their next steps.


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