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Case Study

Helping leaders and employees progress their careers


 In 2022, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (TBI) increased their employee headcount from 400 to more than 750 in the space of just 12 months.

As a result of building an increasingly diverse workforce operating in 50 different countries and speaking over 40 languages, they were keen to understand how they could get individuals and teams to work more effectively and efficiently together - and so they enlisted Right Management to help.

In the following two years, TBI made the decision to streamline their workforce in certain areas, and began working with Right Management to provide Outplacement support.


The solution

To-date, our remit of work has encompassed four key projects:

Supporting new leaders who hadn’t managed teams before - providing each leader with access to on-demand coaching to help them navigate day-to-day challenges, while some individuals also received 6 months of leader coaching to support them in managing strategic aspects of the business.

Team coaching - designed to help leaders to take ownership of their careers, consisting of:

  • A two-day offsite team event held in January 2024 – soon to be followed by a further phase of support.
  • Individual coaching for 5 team members with regular check-ins between sessions, ensuring successful outcomes are met.

A team effectiveness programme - to help new managers connect with and get the best out of their direct reports, which included:

  • Team management profile assessment and feedback
  • 4 team effectiveness events focused on building trust, communication, strategy and outputs
  • Access to leader coaching.

Global Outplacement support - all those affected by redundancy were given between 1- and 3-months Outplacement support to help them transition to the next steps in their career, as part of a global project managed centrally in the UK.


The impact​

Leaders within TBI have begun utilising on-demand coaching on an ongoing basis, and the business envisions further roll-out to their global leaders throughout 2024/2025.

We’ve also supported around 105 employees, helping them to land new roles in external organisations. As a result of our success to date, we’ve expanded our remit of work with the client to help support their leadership population in Africa and will be providing leader coaching globally for all levels of the business moving forward. ​​​



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